Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 3725 6208
Passcode: 513276

The Firewise USA Leaders Meeting is held virtually on the second Friday of each month via Zoom.
The meeting is open to the public (online only). Meetings start at 11:00 AM and last about 1 to 1 1/2  hours.

June 14, 2024
Firewise Leaders Meeting
11:30- 1:00
FIREWISE SHOUTOUTS:  Dominican and Alta Molino NRG Firewise
1. MWPA Grant Program 2024
2, Insurance Presentation: What You Need to Know:
  • Kelby Jones, Stephen Keese
3. Wildfire Watch TV Special on Insurance: June 17, 6pm Marin TV
  • Amy Bach, Eric Henerlau, Mark Brown
4. Firewise Site Survey
  • Percentage of Contacts
  • Frequency of Meetings
  • Wildfire Education
  • Evacuation Drill
  • Neighborhood Walk

5. Open Your Report Campaign: How you can support

6. Ember Stomp Update

Agenda from May 10, 2024

This month’s meeting will be more interactive than usual. We want to hear from you about what you are specifically doing in your community to comply with the mission of Firewise USA. Please come prepared to discuss specific activities you are undertaking.

If you have not already watched Fire Safe Marin’s video featuring Mark Brown discussing successful evacuation from hillside homes on narrow roads, please do so before the meeting. This is the best practice for hillside evacuation. The video is here: Wildfire Evacuation: Make It Downhill Alive ( We will be discussing the video so do your homework!

  1. Open Your Wildfire Risk Report Campaign- Meg
  1. Home evaluations starting now and will extend through the fall
    1. The MWPA needs all residents to open their reports and use them as a guide to lower their wildfire risks. 
  2. Multimedia ad campaign to support. Included back of buses, ferry terminals, bus stops, print, digital to coincide with direct communications  to residents through door hangers, emails 
  3. Please report back if you see the signs or ads so we can track
  1. PGE Grant Update- Rich
  1. Insurance Update- JP
  1. State Farm cancellations are mostly in East Bay
  2. Carriers using zip codes to determine non-renewals
  3. CA Fair Plan coverage increasing as well
    1. Orinda homeowner was paying $4k/year
    2. Fair Plan premium is $10k which only covers fire up to $3mm
    3. The rest of typical homeowner coverage is additional $3k
  4. Real estate market beginning to see the effects of lack of insurability
  5. Ca Dept of Insurance has laid out the Sustainable Insurance Strategy
    1. Basically allows for rate hikes to entice carriers back into market
    2. Won’t go into effect until year-end
  6. If canceled, call Dept of Insurance at 800.927.357
  7. Website is

4.  Educational Activities- JP, Roundtable

  1. What educational activities does your group have planned?
  2. One of Universal Firewise Actions
  3. Also Firewise USA requirements
  4. Multiple rounds of outreach required to draw crowd
  5. Use Evites as first round of outreach
  1. How many watched the Mark Brown Evac video? We will have a facilitated discussion of lessons learned, please be prepared to share your thoughts- JP
  1. Best practice/ Counters misinformation
  2. Unique features of hillside evacuation
  3. Run your evac route in advance to recon dangerous spots like inward curves
  4. Sharing with your communities
  1. CA State Senator Mike McGuire hosted a town hall discussion on Wildfire Preparedness & Prevention (5/8/24)

  • Friday, 6/14/24  11:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Friday, 7/12/24  11:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Friday, 8/9/24    11:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Friday, 9/13/24  11:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Friday, 10/11/24 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Friday, 11/8/24   11:30 am – 1:00 pm
  • Friday, 12/13/24 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Newsletter Sign Up: Fire Safe Marin
Sign up for the latest wildfire safety tips & resources.
Current Wildfire Safety Message: The Art of Plant Spacing: Designing a Fire-Smart Yard
Messages designed to share from social media or cut and paste into newsletters.
Wildfire Safety Resources English
Helpful resources to prepare your family, home, yard and community for wildfire.Recursos de Fuego en Español
Recursos para preparar a su familia, su hogar, su jardín y su comunidad para los incendios forestales.