
Firewise is a national organization that encourages homeowners and communities to learn about and be prepared for the risk of fire. In late 2016 the Marin Valley community was certified as a Firewise Community after accomplishing a comprehensive application process. This is critical for us because of the following: the natural habitat around the Marin Valley community is considered a WUI, or Wildlife Urban Interface. We are highly vulnerable to wildfires with the potential for immense property destruction and personal injury or death.

It is the job of our Firewise Committee to learn what we can do to mitigate this risk, share this knowledge with the community of residents, and promote action programs that will make a difference. To this end, our Firewise team has initiated programs that have led to

  1. Increased defensible space around our homes, and to an approximate 100-200 foot perimeter around the Park
  2.  Eliminated most of the junipers and other highly flammable landscape plants within the Park
  3.  Continued education of our residents about homeowner fire preparedness and prevention.