Video of NightJet Mystery Theatre of May 22, 2022, can be viewed HERE on our Marin Valley YouTube channel (

From the Program

To our listening audience, we welcome you to our KMVC Radio Station! 

Tonight you will be riding along with fellow passengers on the NightJet Train that will be speeding you across the Alps from Florence, Italy to Vienna, Austria. Although we always hope our listening audience will enjoy meeting their fellow travelers who come from far and wide, we unfortunately cannot guarantee your safety as our research indicates that shenanigans are afoot. Apparently, some of the passengers have harbored secrets that have festered over time and may lead to serious repercussions. So, we caution you to watch your step, as you dive into what happens in our World of Mystery on the NightJet train.

For those of you who are here for the ride — please know you will not hear all that is said in the cabins. 

After all, we have to respect their privacy.

Leaving’ On A Jet Train

Chorus  ˜  We’re leavin’ on a jet trai
Who knows if we’ll be back again
So hold me like you’ll never let me go.
We’re leavin’ on a jet train
Don’t know if we’ll be back again
Oh, babe something is going to show – ohhhh




Announcer 1

Mike Holland

Announcer 2

Carolyn Corry

Kenneth Davis

Dick Park

Charlotte Davis

Janie Klimes

Mrs. Barbara Wentworth

Jeannine Freedom


Janine Bradley

George Cooper

Rich Wilkerson


Gail Patterson

Adrianna Bucher

Sandy Zeichner

Bruno Meier

Larry Freidman

Angelo Russo

Ed Collins

2 Golf Buddies

Ed Johnson, Mark Crocker

Kathryn McMudie

Tissues for Camille

Kamala Allen

Paper Bag for Charlotte

Frank Simpson

Yogi, guru

Marty Gelman

J. Edgar Hoover call out


Maggie Siegfried, Director

Alexis Friedman, Jan Thomas, Janet Shouldis, Anne Wilson


Event Coordinator/Producer

Janie Klimes (Crocker)


Vicki Waddell

Editor/Prop Master

Joanne Woodward

Editor/Sound Producer

Anne Lakota

Lighting Director and Audio

Gary McClendon

Audio Playback

Aneesha Dillon

Lighting Asst. & Stage Tech

Sean Casey


Steve Plocher

Ipana Commercial

Lisa Jackler


Larry Cohen


Tom Teixeira


Bob Thiercof


Timo Navsky


John Feld


Cherrie Dougherty


Erma Wheatley


Marin Valley

We’re talkin ‘bout a place that‘s got a hold on me ˜  Marin Valley
A little place where life feels very fine and free ˜  Marin Valley
Where people aren‘t afraid to smile
And stop and talk with you awhile
And you can be as friendly as you want to be ˜  Marin Valley
Talkin‘ ‘bout Marin Valley, that’s my home.

It looks as pretty in the fog  as in the sun ˜  Marin Valley
And there‘s a clubhouse with a view for everyone ˜  Marin Valley
And it‘s got hills for us to climb
And we can hot tub anytime
And we got neighbors who are friends and have some fun ˜  Marin Valley
Talkin‘ ‘bout ˜  Marin Valley
Talkin‘ ‘bout ˜  Marin Valley
That’s my home.   

It‘s great livin’ in this small community ˜  Marin Valley
Where we finally got some herd immunity ˜  Marin Valley
We dance outside like we used to do
Or go to Pub and have a brew
But most of the time it’s peaceful as can be ˜  Marin Valley
Talkin‘ ‘bout Marin Valley, that‘s my home.

Well, I hope that I will never have to part from ˜  Marin Valley
‘Cause I’m too old to make another start ˜  Marin Valley
And even if I could ever stray
I think that I’ll come back to stay
‘’Til the ambulance takes me away – from ˜  Marin Valley
Talkin‘ ‘bout ˜  Marin Valley,
Talkin‘ ‘bout ˜  Marin Valley,
Talkin‘ ‘bout ˜  Marin Valley, ˜  Marin Valley, California
That‘s my home.   That‘s my home.