November 4, 2023
Marin Valley Mobile Country Club

All Park residents should have received – probably in your mail today
— a resident income/demographic survey, along with some
background information and instructions for how to complete the
form. Below is some of the information contained in that cover letter.
There will also be an informational meeting next Wednesday at 5:00
P.M. in the clubhouse for anyone who has questions or would like
more detail. A short overview video is also available
In July, the PAC appointed several community members and two PAC
members to the newly formed Resident Ownership Discovery (ROD)
Committee; the Committee’s charge was to research options for
MVMCC to become a resident-owned community if the City agrees to
sell or transfer ownership of the Park to residents. The PAC President
later requested the ROD Committee to research other models
including long-term lease, and even continuing with City ownership
with modified or replaced agreements to protect our interests.
Two of the organizations the ROD Committee worked with
are ROCUSA and the California Center for Cooperative Development
(CCCD). Their missions are to support communities like ours in
becoming resident owned, and/or assist with large capital
expenses. One of the tools to help us move forward with any
ownership option we choose is a third-party, confidential resident
income survey. ROCUSA and CCCD use information from this survey to
characterize park residents’ income levels compared to levels
established by agencies involved in providing income-based
assistance, such as loans and grants. We are asking for your help in
responding to this survey so that we can characterize the extent to
which we are a low-income community.

Filing Out the Survey
The survey you are being asked to fill out is based on a form that CCCD
uses; we made a few adjustments to make the survey more
appropriate for our community. All information requested on this
survey is required for state grants for funding to purchase the Park. It
could also prove useful for other grant programs, such as ones to help
with capital improvements. Lastly, we expect it will be useful in our
discussions with the City Council’s ad hoc committee assigned to work
with the PAC to develop options for a sale or long-term lease. All
requested information is for the entire household. Please be as
accurate as you can in filling out this form, as any assistance we
receive may be contingent on MVMCC being able to maintain and
verify the income profiles that are identified in this survey. The cover
letter for the survey form has brief descriptions of how to answer the
Most of the survey questions are self-explanatory, and the cover letter
provides some additional help in answering them. Note that Question
Number 5 asks you to provide information about your income. If you
file income tax, use Line 11 (Adjusted Gross Income) on your most
recent IRS Form 1040/1040-SR Federal Income Tax Return. If you do
not file taxes because your income is too low, add up your income
from all sources. For households that have multiple members and who
file separately, enter the totals. Do NOT include savings, investment
principals, or anything you would not include as income on your tax
Also note that your Lot/Space number has been pre-filled on your
form. You can find this number in the upper left-hand section of your
monthly bill. This number is required by any state funding agencies
that may provide us critical funds for purchasing the Park.


Thanks in advance for your help in responding to this survey.

Your PAC Board