1.  Stay cool, drink plenty of water.

  2. Listen to robocalls and check for emails.

  3. Clubhouse is open and cool.

Suggestions from the National Weather Service:

Heat for this duration and at these temperatures can be dangerous for everyone.

Do your body a favor and if you can, suspend outdoor activities between the hours of 10 am and 7 pm on days where Heat Advisories or Excessive Heat Warnings are in effect.

Remain in air conditioning if you have that available to you in your residence, or seek out air-conditioned environments such as the [THE CLUBHOUSE] stores, movie theaters, restaurants, libraries, and cooling shelters. If you cannot access air-conditioned environments, must be out

Take frequent breaks in the shade and ensure that you are drinking plenty of cool water, or other hydrating beverages such as sports drinks with electrolytes.

Avoid DEHYDRATING drinks such as alcohol or caffeinated beverages.

That aside, visiting your city public pool or a lake, river, or ocean can also help keep you cool, but don’t forget the life jacket! If planning on swimming, stick to where there is a lifeguard, and know the ocean or river conditions before you get in …

If you do not have air conditioning or cannot access it, and also cannot access a body of water to stay cool:

  • consider taking cold showers or baths
  • turn on those sprinklers or garden hose and have a fun time in your own makeshift water park or
  • lay a damp, cool towel across your head or body.

Even just dipping your hands and feet in cool water can help to abate feelings of excessive heat.

For PETS, make sure they have access to shade structures or areas and have clean water freely available to them at all times. They do not have the same resources or ability to notify of feeling heat-stressed as we do, so check in on them! If they’re permanently outdoors, consider giving them a quick rinse-down with the hose or set up misters, as the evaporation will help to keep them cool as well.