HOL meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month (except for December) at 4:30 PM in the clubhouse in the Fireside Room or when posted.
All residents are invited. Agendas and or minutes will be posted when available.


HOL General Meeting Final Minutes
Thursday, 2/6/25

CALL TO ORDER: Board Members Present: John Feld-President,
Ed Collins Absent, Timo Navsky Absent, Anne Lakota-Secretary,
Tara Plocher-Treasurer, Lisa Jackler Absent, Janie Klimes-Activities and Events,
Michale Dancer-At Large, Sandy Zeichner Absent

Residents present: Jill Boland, Bill Davis, Suzie Lahr, Erma Wheatley

APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES from January 2, 2025

Income for January $0.00
Expenses 489.96

Bank Balance 1/31/2025 11,452.05

General Fund 7,377.05
Yard Fund 4,075.00

Activities and Events: Janie Klimes
HOL sponsored events:
Craft’n Chat Tuesdays 10:30-11:30am in the Library
Rollin’ Root Thursdays 11-12pm
Valentine Ballroom Craft Fair this Saturday 1-4pm with food served from 1-2pm
Game night Thursday 2/13 at 6pm
Conscious Aging, Conscious Dying with Jessica Fergus on Thursday 2/20 from 4-7pm in the Fireside Room
Dump Run Friday 2/21
The Sunday morning Meditation Group will now meet on Thursday evenings at 6:30pm.
Bill Hartwell will be coming in April

Some other activities:
Men’s Group on the first and third Wednesdays starting 2/19 from 4-5pm in
the Fireside Room
Valentine’s Day Love-in Serenade with Maggie & Friends 2/14 at 7pm in the Fireside Room
MVC Board meeting Tuesday 2/18 at 5pm in the Ballroom and on Zoom
Marshall Krause Celebration of Life potluck on 2/23 at 2pm in the Ballroom
Last Monday Lectures: Tales from the Golden Gate Bridge with Mary Currie
4:30pm in the Fireside Room

Last Wednesday Book Club with Carol-Joy Harris 2/26 at 4pm. The book club meetings are held in the members homes. You can call Carol-Joy at
415-883-2824 for more information.

Just One Hour: John Feld for Lisa Jackler Nothing new to report.

Craft and Chat/HOL Bulletin Board/Breezeway Boutique/Rollin’ Root/Ballroom Craft Market: Tara Plocher The Valentine Ballroom Craft Market
has 4 vendors signed up. We will be serving pizza from 1-2pm. Family and friends are welcome. More people are coming to Craft and Chat. The table is always full.

Contractors Guide: John Feld Nothing new to report.

Art in the Park: Suzie Lahr We had an artists’ meeting last Sunday with 14 artists in attendance. We’ve changed the Feature Artist to every three months.
The new show in the Fireside Room will be hung on April 6. [Editor’s note: date change since the meeting. The new gallery show will be hung on Sunday, June 15 and available for viewing the next day as a full gallery exhibit including the lobby and Fireside Room.]

Extra Food: Jill Boland We have 19 volunteers including Erma Wheatley, who posts an email about the content of every delivery. An extra donation from Nugget has been added to Sunday’s schedule. We have four markets a week, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, with eleven deliveries within that time. The delivery we used to get from Marinwood Market on Wednesdays has been canceled by Extra Food.

Pool: John Feld for Ed Collins Nothing new to report.

Trash Pickup: John Feld for Ed Collins The pickup will happen on Friday, February 21 and maybe on the 22nd if necessary. [Editor’s note: Saturday only on Feb 22.]

Yard Maintenance: John Feld for Lisa Jackler Yard maintenance will start once the rainy season is over.

Park Historian: John Feld PAC has formed a sub-committee to gather information on the Park’s history. John Feld would like to have all documents relating to our history posted on the Marin Valley website. Maybe sensitive documents could be hidden in some way. He proposed to PAC that the minutes from all the Park organizations be posted. John also would like people to gather their Park photographs for him to scan for our digital records.

Janie Klimes and Anne Lakota will give John their digital copies of the HOL minutes.

HOL Donations: John Feld and Tara Plocher We will hold our HOL Donations Drive in September.

Gym equipment: Janie Klimes The gym is pretty full, but we really need an adjustable step platform. She is talking to Matt Greenberg about buying one. Janie is thinking about teaching a balance class in the gym to familiarize people with the step platform..

Gallery reception for artists: John Feld The Park artists would like to have a reception to celebrate their new show and all the featured artists. Erma Wheatley has identified a possible date, the afternoon of Sunday, April 27. The event would have to be organized and put on by the artists. HOL is willing to donate up to $400 for it. [Editor’s note: As the gallery dates have changed since the meeting, the April 27 reception is on hiatus.]

Meeting adjourned at 5:44pm.

Date of the next meeting is Thursday, March 6 at 4:30pm.



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Meeting ID: 244 884 4222
Passcode: 29292929