Previously at Circle of Friends meetings, we presented the first two parts of the documentary series When You Die, directed by Johanna Lunn. This month we will be screening the third and final segment, called Architecture of Death: The Inner World of Dying. Here’s what the producers say about the film:

Director Lunn directs this third chapter in the When You Die trilogy, which continues to address our mortality head on. She guides viewers through fear and into honest conversations about what really happens at the end of a person’s life. It seeks to answer: What happens as we are dying? What could the final months, weeks, and days of life look like for the person who is dying? And for the people who love them?

The film explores the physical aspect of dying, as well as the unseen felt experiences that can occur, such as the changing roles within a family, the potential to heal old wounds, deathbed visions or dreams, messages to loved ones from the dying or recently passed, and a host of other phenomena.

With insight and humor, these topics are explored by leading clinicians who have spent their careers at the bedside, researchers studying the nature of consciousness, and personal stories of love and loss. Discussing what happens when we die with curiosity and compassion allows death to become a more accessible part of life.

We believe it’s time for a death revolution. The best way to start that revolution is simply by talking.”

Join us on July 23rd at 4 pm in the Fireside Room for the screening of this impactful film. All are welcome!

Everyone is heartily invited! Questions? Contact Aneesha at