How will I complete this great work of art called Self?

What new wisdom and intentions can I develop?

How do I wish to be remembered?

What gives my life meaning
and purpose?

How can I support my physical, mental,  and emotional health?

Aging can be an exciting process when we use this time to celebrate our lives and cultivate our wisdom. Through archetypal insights, wisdom cards, life memoir mapping and other creative endeavors, we will explore our personal mythology to align with our soul’s calling and draw on the wisdom we’ve gained from our own life journey.

Bring journals or notebooks, writing tools, snacks to share. Register in advance by February 12 on the signup sheet at the clubhouse, or email   

Jessica Fergus, M.Ed., CCP, is certified as a Conscious Aging Facilitator by the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She is a licensed Psychosynthesis Therapist working within the Jungian archetypal tradition.