100 Marin Valley Drive, Novato, CA
Special Meeting: Tuesday, August 8, 2023, 5:00 P.M.

LIVE at the Clubhouse or join us by ZOOM at:
Passcode: 510036

A. Approval of FINAL AGENDA
B. PUBLIC COMMENT for items not on the agenda (3-minute limit)
1. PAC Board update on potential sale
1. Consider and Take Possible Action Regarding the Updated Draft
Communication and Outreach Plan. (SEE ATTACHMENT)
1. Receive report from Communication, Outreach and Legal Liaison
Committee (COLL) Mary Currie and Jay Shelfer
2. Receive report from Document Brigade John Hansen
3. Receive report from the Resident Ownership Discovery Committee (ROD)
Michele Rodriguez
4. Receive report from the Political Action League (PAL) John Hansen
G. Next PAC meeting: August 15, 2023, at 5:00 pm
NOTE: The Board President has the authority to rule any speaker out of order if the speaker is not presenting testimony or evidence relevant to the matter or if the speaker becomes disruptive to the conduct of the meeting.


Draft Communications and Outreach Plan
August 8, 2023

Marin Valley Mobile Country Club is facing possible sale from the City of Novato to a private, for-profit developer. This plan outlines possible communication strategies for consideration and implementation with the understanding that all strategies must be aligned with PAC Board guidance. This plan is a living document and will be updated as things progress.

The primary goal of the Communication and Outreach Plan’s primary goal is to stop the sale of Marin Valley Mobile Country Club to a private, for-profit developer. Another goal is to support communication and outreach supporting an ownership plan that best preserves MVMCC’s affordability and future as a model affordable, self-sustaining community. Keeping the PAC Board and MVMCC residents informed and updated as the current process continues is crucial.

As communication and outreach strategies are developed for implementation, it is important to use the right tactics for the right audience. The key audiences in this process include:
1. Residents
2. Greater Novato community
3. Greater Marin County community
4. Elected officials – Novato City Council, Marin County Supervisor Eric Lucan, Assemblyman Damon Connelly, and Senator Mike McGuire
5. Novato City Staff
6. News media
7. Editorial boards
8. Community organizations supportive of MVMCC such as Marin County Commission on Aging, Marin Environmental Housing Collaborative, Marin Community Foundation, Community Action Marin, Council on Aging, and more.
9. Opinion leaders and influencers – such as Marin Democratic Party, League of Women’s Voters, and more.
10. People formerly associated with MVMCC – past city council, past legal, etc.
11. Residents with historical recollections

Key Challenges
• Stopping the sale and resolving the possible sale in a favorable manner.
• City staff are not currently forthcoming in dealings with the Park.
• Novato’s fiscal management has caused a financial crisis driving the possible sale.
• News articles present MVMCC inaccurate.
• City staff have provided unfounded financial information about MVMCC.
• Park residents are deeply distressed about the possible sale to private for-profit developer.
• Keeping resident informed and actively involved.

Influence city council members not to sell to a private, for-profit developer.
Demonstrate that MVMCC is not costing the City money.
Inform residents on progress of PAC Board and committees formed in carrying out actions in this strategy and the prospects of achieving the principal goal above.
Influence the greater Novato-Community in understanding what MVMCC is facing.
Develop connections with key allies and influencers amongst low-income/senior. housing organizations that are aware of MVMCC’s situation and support our efforts.
Maintain support and unification among residents as this process continues.
Explain and promote the benefits of the MVMCC to key audiences.

• PAC Board
• PAC Committees
• Residents
• Free services offered to MVMCC

It is recommended that the tactics used for a given audience be supported by the PAC Board to advocate, inform, educate, and continue raising awareness to stop the proposed sale and to support arriving at the best option for ownership. Some tactics can be scheduled to occur at regular intervals, such as letters to the editor. Most will be implemented as we go, and at specific milestones. Proposed tactics include the following:

Written Communication Strategies/Approaches
• Factsheet – Develop MVMCC factsheet as a foundation of information – just facts
• Frequent Resident Updates via email communications to 325 MVMCC residents
• Email to City Council members
• Email to Assemblyman Damon Connelly and Senator Mark McGuire
• Email to Governor Newsom
• Articles for The Echo
• Op-ed pieces for the Marin IJ (called Marin Voice)
• Letters to the Editor
• Press Releases at Key Milestones
• Email or letter-writing campaigns

In-Person Communication Strategies/Approaches
• Schedule meetings with elected officials – All City Council members; meet with Connelly, McGuire, Huffman
• Work with news media (possibly press conferences)
• Meet with Marin IJ and Press Democrat editorial boards
• Attend City Council meetings
• Contact community organizations to identify supporters