May’s lecture will be on Tuesday, May 28, at 4:30 pm. Subsequent meetings will also be at 4:30 pm. The annual Memorial Day dinner on Monday, May 27 requires a change in the Last Monday Lectures for May.

Our speaker for May is Matt Weinstein, founder of Playfair, the successful producer of about 400 entertainment events for corporate and college groups each year, and a member of the National Speakers Association’s Hall of Fame.

People have known for centuries that laughter and play are good for our health: Proverbs 17:22 tells us that
a merry heart doeth good like a medicine.

In this playful and high-spirited session, we will learn the benefits of non-competitive adult play to nourish ourselves both physically and mentally. Laughing and playing together is a powerful way to build community, and to bring more instant joy into our lives. Come prepared to have some serious fun! As Ashley Montagu states,

My goal in life is to die young – at a ripe old age.