The Marin Valley drum circle event on Saturday, November 13, from 1-2:30, in the Ballroom is about rhythm. All interested residents are invited to participate (residents only this first time). This event is being sponsored by HOL and approved by our Park Manager Matt Greenberg. Masks are required and you must be vaccinated unless you’ve had a negative Covid-19 test within the last 72 hours. There will be no charge or donation requested of participants.

This will be a beginner’s level class, led by Barbara Borden, a renowned drummer and drum circle teacher. Bring your drum, but if you don’t have a drum, there will be a number of drums available. You can also bring shakers, tambourines, maracas, etc.

The purpose is to learn to do drumming together, in a circle, with some direction and basic rhythmic patterns. This is an ancient activity handed down from our ancestors in various cultures. It has the effect of enlivening our bodies, lifting our spirits, and relaxing our minds and nervous systems. Very healthy stuff. And it can be really fun.

We will all be beginners and learners at this event. If you are an expert drummer already, keep that under your hat and join us in our learning process.

I will create an email list of the participants so we can afterward discuss the possibility of regular events. And we can discuss whether we need Barbara for more instruction or if we’re ready to go it ourselves.

If you would like to attend, please contact Stephen Plocher at who will put you on the list and keep you informed.