Landscaping Plant List


In 1970, juniper was the landscaping plant of choice; easy to grow, drought-tolerant, and inexpensive. They are, however, exceedingly fire-prone. Almost 50 years later, as we face warmer, dryer summers, the Fire very happy with the Park-wide removal of what they call “little green gas cans.” A hearty thanks to all the homeowners  who cooperated!

Now, what to put in our yards instead? Click here on Mike Krupp’s Fire Resistant Plant Catalog  Fire_Resistant_Plant_Catalog_for_MVMCC_11-19-2014_Demo; it’s also on the computer desktop in the Clubhouse library. He gathered recommendations from the UC Davis extension, and some of the excellent gardeners in the park picked their favorites from lists of fire- and drought-resistant plants; they will need minimal or no watering after they are established, and do well in clay soil. These suggestions are provided as a service to MVMCC residents by the volunteer Tree & Shrub Committee.

Here is a Fire Dept. doc on how to create your own Defensible_Space and here is a list of plants that ignite readily and burn intensely, and a list of fire-resistant plants UC_Plant_list. The Novato Fire District website is